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OK... how the heck do you get 1:25:00 or less on Sand Oasis Mission 1? (SATSR)


Author Topic: OK... how the heck do you get 1:25:00 or less on Sand Oasis Mission 1? (SATSR)  (Read 8512 times)

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Offline DaDude

OK, I went full blast with speed, and only did one or two things, such as hitting a spikes, and at the end I mucked up one jump... I'm at level 75 with every speed up item. Yet here I am seeing people getting 15 seconds less than me! I know I'm not THAT bad. Is there a shortcut or something that I'm missing? I'll say what I do in a step to step guide:

- Do a quick jump for start, gets my speed going.
- I keep straight as possible, until I get to the Pearls. I then try to get every one (and no, I don't jump for the circle ones, I let them go into me with H-Pearl, or whatever it's called).
- I speed burst as soon as I hit the Zip Pad
- I do a quick jump at the ledge, and just run along, dodging enemies.
- Again, I hit every pearl, and hit the zip pads.
- I get to the zip pad jump. As soon as I land, I do a quick speed burst. I turn it off when I get to the second zip pad jump
- I just keep running, and absorbing all the pearls. As soon as I land, I wait till I get past the zipped ball, then speed burst
- I do a quick hop through flames, so I don't take damage. I sometimes get enough pearls for a speed burst after this, but not always.
- I stick to the left, ignoring the pearls by the spikes.
- I get the pearls on the rails, but I DON'T go on the rail itself (slows me down, so there's no point).
- I walk by the spikes, and make sure I don't get hit. I once glitched past the 4 spikes, but I have't been able to redo it.
- I speed burst through this little section
- I make sure I make my jumps carefully through this section, not falling off
- I speed burst into the goal.

Thanks for any tips. And what's this so called "Aegis Slider"?

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Watch my vid and see how much our shortcuts differ. I don't know how they're doing it but like everything else in SSR, blame it on the skills and high levels. XD

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Offline Rolken

Is there a shortcut or something that I'm missing?


And what's this so called "Aegis Slider"?

Answered your own question. Check Blazien's guide for the details, but the gist is that you go into a slide as soon as you hit the top of the wall and fly through the whole sidling section.
StH JJ1 WkS+ Sal++^i Rbk++i Knu- McS+++ P++ D[af]opw $++++ E03 A24 GM CoUT
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Offline Shadow Jacky

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I noticed that when you speed break into speed pads that your guage stops while you go over it.  I'm wondering if they help or slow you down while using it.
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Offline Blaiken

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Woo. The dead person's guide gets attention. <_<
Call me Blaiken. That is all I ask. *lacks something random for the sig*

Offline X-5

I think you all cheat, I got 3:57 on a almost flawless run using the shortcuts(lost 5 seconds max) but im still like 2 and a half minutes off the record. obviously I don't expect a record first try or anything but I KNOW when something is impossible.

also I watched ks8s video oh and that other guys night palace thing or whatever they both run so fast i think they use a running cheat, mine does NOT run that fast wtf I hold the controller as forward as possible and he just won't run any faster. and i bet you all use the same cheat to get 1:25 :(
« Last Edit: March 13, 2007, 02:12:58 am by Paragod »

Offline Rolken

Yes, a few of the most trusted members on the site, including the admin, and even a fellow with video evidence, are clearly cheating, in spite of the obvious fact that the game has a levelling system that improves your skills as you progress. I suggest that you go back and read Sprint's sticky in Leaderboard Disputes, and then refrain from further inane accusations.
StH JJ1 WkS+ Sal++^i Rbk++i Knu- McS+++ P++ D[af]opw $++++ E03 A24 GM CoUT
What fun is it being cool if you can't wear a sombrero?

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I'm going to assume sarcasm until proven otherwise.

<3 Thorn.

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Yes, a few of the most trusted members on the site, including the admin, and even a fellow with video evidence, are clearly cheating, in spite of the obvious fact that the game has a levelling system that improves your skills as you progress. I suggest that you go back and read Sprint's sticky in Leaderboard Disputes, and then refrain from further inane accusations.

Yeah really...

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Offline Mo

If you want to get close to getting under 1:25 ageis slide through the wall with too many obstacles, don't get hit at all,use speed break through the room with fire and speed break at the end.If you do all my strageties right you can get under 1:25 if you're lucky and if you're not lucky you can get under 1:30.Also, if you use the platform glitch after you slide on the wall you can cut of another 2 to 3 seconds.My record on this stage is 1:29:10.
Shortcuts I have discovered: SSR Skeleton Dome Mission 12 Gate ditch, SA2 Battle: spring dodge.

Offline Mo

Noboby's even cheating it's just the different levels
Shortcuts I have discovered: SSR Skeleton Dome Mission 12 Gate ditch, SA2 Battle: spring dodge.


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